Sorry it has been a while since I've updated, but I've been busy making custom covers for NCAA Football 2010 (among other things). SO I thought I would share them with you to print for your Xbox 360. Just follow the lin below and see all of the custom covers I created.
Collection of NCAA Football 2010 covers created by Automic Reviews
Custom NCAA Football 2010 covers
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Watch House Season 5 online... FINALLY!
So I unfortunately have missed most of Season 5 of House MD and haven't found any place to stream it online other than the 5 episodes on / Hulu / Fancast. I bought a few on iTunes, but it gets pricey.
I Googled it a little bit earlier today and finally found this: House (Season 5)
Disclaimer: I do not endorse the hosting of copyrighted material on the Internet. But if it's out there, I'm not saying I won't look at it.
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Review: NCAA Football 2010 Demo
This week, EA Sports released the NCAA Football 2010 demo, available for download on the Xbox Live Arcade. For this review, I am only going to talk about the game play since that's all that's available in the demo.
I'm just going to come out and say it right off the bat, I hope this demo is nothing close to the real game. While it has some cool new features, it has more negatives than positives and that just won't fly with a fan base who is tired of Electronic Arts repackaging the same game with a different bow and one new whistle year after year. If you want to argue with this and say that because it's a one year advanced game it has to be better, I'm sorry but you couldn't be more wrong. NCAAF 2003 was much better than 2004. NCAAF 2007 was one of the worst sports games I've played on the Xbox 360 console along with MLB 2k6 and the entire NBA Live franchise.
New doesn't mean better, but in the case of NCAA Football 2009, it did. I saw 2009 as the best of franchise. Maybe is was pasting Darren McFadden on the cover that tickled my fancy or the addition of the Online Dynasty, or maybe—just maybe—EA finally got the game play right for a change. While there were things that seemed to be a pain in the butt (like receivers trying to toe drag as if they were falling out of bounds in the middle of the field, inevitably forcing them down at the spot of the catch), it was the smoothest NCAAF game I have ever played. Players didn't run a 3.9 forty yard dash, their were less loop holes, not every quarterback could throw accurately on the run. Needless to say, NCAA Football 2010 has a lot to live up to and it's not going to sell anyone on “cutesy” cinematics.
Like I do when making any life changing decision (such as whether or not to try the new Angus burger at McDonald's), I've come up with a list of pros and cons of this game to help me review it. Shall we?
- Tackle animations. The new tackle animations are pretty good overall, but sort of got repetitive. If they mix in those from 2009, we should be good to go.
- Cut-scenes. I do like the cut-scenes a lot in between plays and during the kickoff. These add to the experience of the game as if it were being televised. If I remember correctly, these were in the 2007 game.
- Erin Andrews. Erin Andrews joins the broadcast team this season as the sideline reporter, giving injury updates via audio rather than just having to read it. Plus, we get to see Erin Andrews.
- Injury choice. After a player gets injured, as long as it isn't serious, a prompt comes up letting the user choose whether or not to continue playing this player or to bench him for a while. In older versions of the game, we had to go to the injury report menu to do this.
- Uniform customization. This year you have COMPLETE control of what uniform your team wears. You can individually customize helmets, jerseys, pants, socks and shoes in any variety before each game.
- Player lock. While I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy this, I didn't. The main reason was because once you are locked on a player and the ball snaps, there's no going back so you better hope the rest of your defense is as smart as you. If I'm locked on an LB while running Cover 2 and the offense goes deep, I cannot switch to my safety for coverage help. That doesn't fly with me. Plus, pressing in the left thumbstick is the button to engage this. In 2009, this button was used to either pump up or silence the crowd. There's no reason Player Lock is programmed as this, it should be the right thumbstick.
- Hit sensory. In the demo it's not programmed correctly. If the ball carrier is dragging my defender forward and a safety dives forward to knock him back, the demo doesn't pick up the safety. Another thing I noticed was when I returned a punt, somehow the defender spun me around, despite there being a good gap between my player and the computer's (meaning it never came in contact with me).
- Hurry up encroachment. When the offense ran the hurry up offense against my defense, encroachment was called against a defensive player I was not controlling... he was just sitting across the line of scrimmage and the poor programming caused the offensive line to come in contact with him.
- Let me go back. I jumped offsides while blitzing with the OLB. While standing on the opposite side of the LOS, it didn't matter how hard I pushed the stick backwards, he wouldn't budge. I had to press “B” to change my player in order for him to move back onsides.
- Spider senses. If you are the quarterback and you're about to get sacked, even from the blind side, your controller starts vibrating to warn you. I don't get it.
- INT camera. When you pick the ball off, the camera angles changes from in front of the defense to behind. This is nothing new. But now you're able to move your defender while the camera is rotating; therefore, first you'll start by pulling the stick towards you then rotating it forward with the camera's changing angle to help you optimize your speed. Realistically, this is slowing you down by a few steps. It should just keep all motion frozen until the camera is behind you like the older games.
- Coach cam. It mainly bothers me on the offensive side of things, but when you want to look at your play (such as WR routes, etc.), all the angles are much different than how it looks in your play book. I understand that the post routes are meant to be more accurately to the post itself, but the WR aren't able to get good enough cuts on their routes. Plus, the animations within them are childish.
- Catch the ball. If you're WR is running a crossing route and your throw is anywhere below the waist, the receiver won't make an effort to reach down... he'll just let it hit him in the legs and keep running.
While these are many of the pros and cons in the demo, I'm sure I'll come up with more later to add to this post. I understand this is the demo and it's two teams that every player has a 99 rating (which is NEVER fun), there were more problems in this demo from my point of view than there were with the 2008 and 2009 demos combined. Hopefully EA will have everything fixed by the July 14th release.
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Turtles In Time Re-Shelled: Why update the graphics?
I’m sure by now most everyone is aware of the fact’s No. 1 Beat ‘em Up of all time, TMNT: Turtles in Time, is making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade on July 22nd. 18 years after its original release on the arcade and 17 after it’s birth on the SNES, the game is getting a whole new, High Definition, 3D, make over.
That’s what I don’t like.
Officially titled TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled, Ubisoft has taken over the original Konami classic updating the graphics to make them look more “Next-Gen” approved (just like Lode Runner). I honestly do not get the reasoning for this. One of the reasons for re-releasing this game was for the sheer sake of online co-op just like TMNT: The Arcade Game, which is still one of the top selling titles on the Xbox Live Arcade and it didn’t change the graphics one bit... When I play it today I feel like I did as a little kid, teaming up with my buddies at Chuck-E Cheese beating up the Footclan.
Is the 3D “re-shelling” really necessary? To me, updating the graphics, in its own special way, is making it another game. To my knowledge there have been no additional levels added to the gameplay, just a complete re-skin of a classic. I’m just still trying to figure this one out. I understood the Street Fighter II: HD Remix, that was totally fine. If Ubisoft wanted to follow Capcom’s lead on this where the graphics would be less pixilated, I’d be all for that. That’s not the case.
To the younger generation being introduced to this game for the first time, they might not notice anything at all. But to my generation, the one who grew up on Nintendo systems, we’ll buy this game with our Microsoft Points, but it won’t hold its weight like TMNT: The Arcade Game still does.
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Left 4 Dead 2 forced to change box art
Those overprotective mothers at the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) are in the news again, but this time it has to do with a certain video game’s cover.
Anyone who is familiar with the Xbox 360 can recognize the box art of Valve’s Left 4 Dead, a survival horror game released in November 2008. The box art features a zombie’s crippling hand with four of the five fingers sticking out to give emphasis to the “4" in Left 4 Dead.
Valve is now releasing the sequel, Left 4 Dead 2, in November 2009 (AKA five months from now) and the marketing team cleverly came up with a new box art that not only adds the number two next to the title, but now the hand has all but two fingers chewed off, obviously signifying that this is the second game.
The ESRB was not too happy about this and has forced Valve to change the cover from the ringer and pinky fingers being chewed off to simply being bent forward.
While this may not seem like a big deal, if you look closely, it seems as if the zombie hand is now giving the “peace” sign (or “V for Victory” for our friends across the pond), rather than putting an emphasis on the game’s gruesome nature.
Are the bitten off fingers really that disturbing?
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First Thoughts: Milo and Kate
This is the second part of my “First Thoughts” that I started a little over a week ago on Project Natal. Here I want to look at Milo and Kate, Lionhead Studios current key development for the project in which the user interacts with a virtual boy or girl as if you were really viewing each other via webcam (Think the Fable II dog evolved times 100).
Right now this project is obviously in the VERY early developments as what was shown at E3 2009 is the majority of what we know so far. By turning your head left or right you can change the angle of the camera, zoom in or out by standing closer or backing away from the TV, hopes of having actual conversations with voice recognition as well as other unique interactions like helping Milo or Kate build their own tree houses. Pretty cool stuff.
But now the question has to be asked, what is the limit of Milo’s (I’ll reference Milo now for either him or Kate) learning ability? We will assume that it won’t have the programming to learn on an endless plane giving us a real life look at 2001: a Space Odyssey in households across the planet, but that doesn’t mean its learning climax won’t be creepily high with the ability to expand via DLC.
Now I’ve never been the one to believe that technology will one day rule the planet and there’s no stopping it. I don’t think that Microsoft is the new SkyNet and I don’t think Milo will become HAL. I’ve always felt that while we as human have come dependent on technology, technology is more so dependent on us and the main difference between humans and technology is our ability of logic, reasoning and rationalization. had a very well-written video spoof on Milo the other day that really brought these ideas to life (almost too much so). If you haven’t seen it, you might want to check it out here (language warning). I don’t think Milo will be programmed with all of these abilities, but in order to please the masses I thought I’d at least touch on the subject because as much as I hate to admit it, there is a 0.01% chance that this is an actual possibilities.
Consider the masses pleased.
Another thing I wanted to look at was whether or not Milo will be an Xbox build of the Tamogachi, or will it be something new altogether. The way I see it, that’s all it seems like to me, a Tamogachi on the TV; a virtual “friend” who I can interact with while I’m bored or mess with as I go to sleep, not a game. In the eyes of chief developer Peter Molyneux, he sees it as an actual game and according to him, a game must have a beginning and an end (which is weird because I still haven’t met anyone who beat World of Warcraft). So if Milo & Kate is an actual game with an objective, what is it? Do we raise our virtual kid from birth and see them through college graduation and pay their tuition with Microsoft points (if you’re a stranger to sarcasm, this is what it sounds like in text)?
I do not get the game aspect of this. To me, this seems more like a hobby than anything else—another promising attempt to bridge the gap between the Xbox 360 and casual gamers. I honestly do not feel that there should be a game aspect of it whatsoever in terms of an overall objective with an ending. If this project needs an objective, how about it’s to keep Milo a happy kid? If this were really a “game,” it would be something I might invite my friends over to play, but that’s not the case.
I don’t mind the development of this project, it’s a very interesting step forward for technology and software development, but let’s not make it into something it’s not.
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Samus and Baby Metroid: BFF
Got bored last night and made this video:
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How to get a wireless Xbox Live connection via your PC
Simulposted from my Denver Xbox Examiner page. If you enjoyed this, be a pal (not PAL) and click on that link.
I know this isn't anything ground breaking, but it's nice to save money in this economy. Many of you have no need for this, but I thought I'd at least share.
So since I've moved into my new house I have been without Xbox Live for two weeks because I accidentally left my wireless Xbox receiver back home in Tulsa, Okla. When I visited the folks following finals week. Now I'm back in Colorado and before last night I was without Live because I didn't feel like spending $100 on a new receiver designed specifically for my Xbox 360 console, I decided to turn my desktop into a wireless receiver itself. I know it's a tough economy out there right now and we all could afford to save a few bucks so I thought I would share this with everyone else. I realize it's not a groundbreaking technique and I'm sure there are other how to's out there to show you this, but I'm just here to help. Wanna know how? Read below.
(I'm using Vista in this tutorial, but you can do the same thing with XP)
Here's what you need:
Xbox 360 console
Two (2) CAT 5 Cables (Ethernet)
Hub / Switch
Computer with wireless access (doesn't matter whether or not it's a desktop or laptop, just as long as it receives Internet via a wireless signal).
Step 1: Connect the Ethernet cable from your PC to the first slot in your hub.
Step 2: Connect the Ethernet cable from your Xbox 360 to the second slot in your hub.
NOTE: Do NOT plug either cable to uplink slot. The point here is to “fuse” the two connections together to act as one.
Step 3: Open your Network and Sharing Center (Start > Control Panel (Classic View) > Network and Sharing Center. Once there, click “Manage Network Connections”
Step 4: Hold control and click both Local Area Network and your wireless network connection. Release the control key and right click on either of the selected networks then left click on “Bridge Connections.”
After a few seconds your window should look like this:
Step 5: Go to Start > Run (or hold the keys windows+R) and in the window type “cmd” (without the quotes).
Step 7: Once the DOS command prompt comes up type “netsh bridge show adapter “ (obviously, from here on out don't put the quotes in your prompt)
Step 7: In the same command prompt window type “netsh bridge set adapter 1 enable” (if you happened to mix up steps 1 and 2, then the command to type would be “netsh bridge set adapter 2 enable”)
Step 8: Once again type “netsh bridge show adapter” in the command prompt just to make sure it worked correctly. If it did, you should see something like this (notice the adapter you set to “enable” has changed from the “disabled” state:
Step 9: ENJOY!
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First Thoughts: Project Natal
As the newly appointed Denver Xbox Examiner, what credibility would I have if I didn’t mention Microsoft’s biggest announcement of E3 2009, Project Natal?
If you haven’t heard, Project Natal is the new motion sensor technology that Xbox 360 is testing out for their next wave of gaming much like Nintendo’s Wii, only that Project Natal uses no controller whatsoever. That’s right, rather than being required to hold a wand and a nunchuck, this version of motion sensor gaming is completely hands free... well, other than your actual hands.
This concept of gaming raises a lot of questions, much like Wii did when it was first launched, the main one: will it work? And not just work, work in the way it was intended to. The Wii was able to successfully prove doubters wrong, but this, in my opinion, is a whole other frontier.
What I see Project Natal, which Microsoft used Steven Spielberg as their E3 spokesperson, as is an attempt to bring those newly hooked gamers that were reeled in the Wii’s ease of use (such as dad and grandma)–it’s a bridge builder. For moderate to serious gamers such as myself I see this as a possible step back for Microsoft’s main consumers. We like having that controller in our hand allows us different combinations of attacks, flight maneuvers and other movements... not training our bodies new ways to move. We don’t want the Power Glove 2.0.!
On the other side of this argument lies a brilliant idea from Microsoft that will almost guarantee a huge spike in sales because it’s a supplement for a new system that will probably cost, roughly, $200, rather than sprouting $500 for a whole new console... let’s just attach an add-on!
Not only does this allow for saving money in an economy that we’re still waiting to come back to surface, but it brings those gamers who got hooked on the Wii over from Nintendo to Microsoft with a product that promises to be easier than easy. At the same time, we’re able connect our standard Xbox 360 controllers and play [enter name of a groundbreaking shooter here], while our families can play “pop the bubbles” when we’re not around.
Honestly, when I stared this post I was really skeptic about Project Natal, but the more I dissected my thoughts on paper (or the computer screen), I realized that this might not be so bad afterall.
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What if Super Smash Bros. was on Xbox?
So earlier today I was playing Super Smash Bros. And Super Smash Bros. Melee and I thought to myself? If there were a version of this game dedicated to original Microsoft characters on the Xbox and Xbox 360, who would it feature? I thought about this for a while and the truth is, there aren't too many exclusive Xbox characters out there (and by exclusive I really mean ORINALLY on Xbox before moving to other platforms).
The Super Smash Bros. Series is so great because it brings all of these characters that we've loved since childhood and puts them in a single game. Sure, the newer versions of the game bring in guys like Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog. It's a simple concept turned into a best seller, and you have to know that Nintendo knew that no one could pull this off quite like they could... Sony could have a decent list with Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Croc, etc., but Microsoft can quite put a group together for one main reason, they're too young and focus less on being original and more on groundbreaking system performance. Don't get me wrong, I love my Xbox 360 and will probably never own a Playstation console because I am brand loyal to everyone other than Sony, but you have to admit that Microsoft has that problem.
Still, I am going to try to put a list together and you can fill in what I might be missing.
- Master Chief
- Cortana
- Generic Fable Hero
- The Arbiter
- Vertical Tank (from Steel Battallion)
- Hawk
- Sam Fisher
- Kelly O'Lenmey
- Zak (Fuzion Frenzy)
- Marcus Fenix
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List of systems that I own
Sorry I haven't updated a couple of days and my apologies for this filler-post, but I am really trying to get my point-and-shoot photo journal done for my JTC211 summer class I am taking (you can view the progress here). So for now I'll just run off a list of video game systems that I own so that you can get to know me a little better:
Xbox 360
Nintendo 64
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
Nintendo Entertainment System
NES (Top Loader)
Gameboy Color
Game Boy
Atari 7800
E3's latest "The Old Republic" trailer has me worried
Maybe it's just because I am obsessing way too hard over this game's release since I love Star Wars so much, but am I the only one who is worried about the the latest Star Wars: The Old Republic trailer that was released today at E3? Don't get me wrong, it looks AMAZING, but the amount of detail and the high-quality graphics was what really started to make me think.
Normally, yes, for any current generation PC or console game I really enjoy stunning visuals, but this is an MMO--not something I'm gonna run solely off my computer.
I'm no genius, but I'm also not a dumb ass. I realize that this was a pre-rendered sequence, not actual gameplay footage, but still I started to worry. I am very excited about this game's release and the fact that Bioware is incorporating story into an MMO, but with the downfall of Star Wars: Galaxies, I want this game to have a high population of players and if there is too much stress on graphics then it limits the number of consumers who can successfully play the game. This isn't Crysis, it's an MMO. While I'm sure I could run it fine, I'm not so certain about my friends.
Whether you love it or hate it, you have to admit that World of Warcraft has done a great job with keeping the visuals pretty low-key so that anyone with a credit card and Internet access can play, which is part of the reason it is so successful. Again, don't get me wrong, I hope the visuals of The Old Republic are way better than WoW, but at the same time I don't want anything overdone where server speeds drag so low that I can't slay a Dewback for entertainment.
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Review: Up
Why is it that Disney-Pixar is able to make every summer just that much better with their nearly-annual feature films and shorts? With the exception of Cars, I have never seen a Pixar film that I didn't enjoy, starting where the magic began with Toy Story as a child in 1995.
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Streaming video of the NCAA Baseball Tournament
While this isn't really normal subject matter on Automic Reviews, it does fall under "TV" (kinda). Below are links to see streaming video of select Regionals from the 2009 NCAA Tournament.
Austin Regional
Greenville Regional
Clemson Regional
Tallahassee Regional / Irvine Regional (Or other ESPNU coverage)
Fort Worth Regional
Houston Regional
Indiana Regional
Chapel Hill Regional
Norman Regional
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Top 5 Xbox 360 Games to Look for After E3 2009
Remember, this is MY list... don't get pissed off if you disagree.
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America's Army: "FREE"dom is overrated (2.8.5)
Before everyone who reads this and flips shit because they think I just said that "Freedom is overrated," chill out and listen to me. Freedom, like what we have as Americans is not overrated (though I'm sure a way-too-liberal former significant other would disagree). The point of this post's title is that the fact that just because America's Army is a free game, the low cost does not make it good.
Yes, I know that I shouldn't complain because it didn't cost me anything to play other than the 10 hours it took download the mere 2 gig game on a cable modem via the 'AA Deploy Client.' Still, this is like the third time I have tried to get myself interested in this game and I just can't, which is really sad given it has TONS of potential.
Currently the game is on build 2.8.5 with 3.0 just around the corner, a corner I have already reserved my username for, but even though it has gone through constant patches and updates since its original release on July 4, 2002, the game still is full of crappy controls, poorly designed maps, and physics that make even Doom 3 look realistic. Beyond all that, do you know what the worse part is? There is no built-in voice chat. None. We have a popular TACTICAL first person shooter in build 2.8.5 that is without VOIP? That's inexcusable.
Can you imagine playing Counter-Strike and not having VOIP to chat with your friends and teammates? No, because they got it right years ago... and CS isn't even tactical-based (let's be honest)! America's Army is a game, but it's meant to serve as a realistic simulation for actual tactical operations within the US Army and without using a 3rd party client there is no way to tell they guy next to you where you are about to move to without stopping movement, pressing the "y" key, typing your game plan, pressing "enter," waiting for him to respond, then moving ahead.
I'm sorry, but I still find the offline training missions more fun than actually facing a human opponent over the Net.
Here's to hoping version 3.0 fixes everything with this game that has all the potential, but no drive. ::cheers, mate::
Rating: 2 / 5
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Will it soon just be Kate and the 8?
The only times I have ever watched TLC's hit series Jon & Kate Plus 8 has been while I was sitting on the coach next to a significant other, as was the case last night during the season 5 premier. It's not that it's a bad show, I mean the kids are cute and hilarious, but it just has never been something that really interested me, but I might start paying attention now that things are starting to get controversial.
As I'm sure most everyone knows by now thanks to the tabloids, husband and father Jon Gosselin has been caught by the paparazzi leaving night clubs and parties with female companions other than his wife Kate. Now I am not the one to judge whether the allegations are true or not on if he did in fact commit adultery, but the unknown of his actions could possibly lead to the show's demise.
In last night's season 5 premier there was only one time that Jon and Kate were both interviewed simultaneously, which was a brief 2 minute segment following the main show when the interviewer asked the two what would happen from here. Despite the camera trying to frame the couple with close-ups using opposite thirds in their interviews as if they were sitting on the other side of the couch from the other, we never saw them together throughout the entire episode other than at the sextuplets 5th birthday party and the only words I remember Kate speaking to Jon at that party were asking him to clean the water out of one of the "Jupiter jumps."
It really was painful to watch. Kate went on and on about how she had to plan the entire party herself, implying that Jon wasn't even willing to help. The paparazzi even started taking over the show, placing themselves in every scene that took place on public property... Even the kids said "there's the paparazzi!" (or they at least attempted to before Kate told them to be quiet and stop acknowledging the camera clickers).
I'm sorry to say, but this show is in trouble, Kate has expressed how much she loves doing the show and having the family's life broadcasted across the country while Jon does not seem happy with the way things have turned out over the past five years. While it's true that all families have issues to deal with, that's not why people tune in to TLC and watch the Gosselins. If we want to see a house of chaos, we tune into MTV's Real World, not Jon & Kate Plus 8.
I am starting to wonder how much longer Jon will stick around and if he does decide to bounce, whether or not the show will be able to continue with Kate doing everything herself. This really is the closest thing to the Truman Show we have and America wants to see these kids grow up, the only question is whether or not TLC will let the show go on...
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Review: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
So I figured I'd go ahead. and start my first film review this morning. Last night my girlfriend and I felt like going to see a movie and could not decide between Angels and Demons or the latest installment of Night at the Museum, but due to what time they were showing, we went with this summer's main family comedy. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this film, but it was one that I was wanting to see due to the fact that I enjoyed the first one when I went with my family back in 2006. They were both directed by Shawn Levy, both written by Robert Garant and Thomas Lennon and both films starred the same base cast, but for some reason Battle of the Smithsonian just didn't make me chuckle like Night at the Museum did and I would like to take a few minutes and dissect why that may be.
Since we have that out of the way, what I really want to say is that this movie just wasn't funny. I'm sorry, but it wasn't, which is sad with such a great comedic cast. Ben Stiller didn't make me laugh, Owen Wilson was bland, Christopher Guest was decent at best, and the man I was expecting the most from was Hank Azaria, really just had one scene where he made me laugh, but I will tell ya, I laughed hard. Still, overall, I just didn't laugh very often last night.
Now give credit to Azaria on playing his main character, Kamunruh, as well as the voices of "The Thinker" and Abraham Lincoln, but Azaria usually always makes me laugh, but here he was just... vanilla?
Anyone who saw the original Night at the Museum would agree that while Ricky Gervais might have had only a small role as Dr. McPhee, his dialogue made audiences laugh their asses off. So naturally I expected him to do the same in Battle of the Smithsonian, but no, it was more vanilla than anything else. AND I LOVE THE COMEDY OF RICKY GERVAIS! Yes, that's how bad his lines were.
The attempted love affair between Ben Stiller and Amy Adams (Amelia Earhart) was just atrocious and unexpected. Now I'm thankful that there wasn't a spin at the end where the two end up being together just at night when Earhart comes to life, but even trying to add it in there was an obvious stretch that failed miserably and some of that could have been partially due Adams overacting job. Personally, I see Adams as a talented and versatile actress, but while playing Amelia Earhart she was just too over the top, forcing lines of awkward dialogue that were meant to stress what time period the came from, but it was just too overbearing.
Another thing that got to me was how the museum exhibits defied the rules of the original film, about how they cannot stray too far away from the tablet or else they'll freeze and go back to their "natural" state. Here we have not only the entire Smithsonian district coming to life, but the National Mall becoming animated as well whether the tablet had close proximity or not.
Yes, I realize that I should take the same attitude to a family movie like I do to a sci-fi flick where you just can't over think it and accept things the way they are, but the tablet thing along with the fact that Earhart was able to fit virtually all the exhibits of the American Museum of Natural History in the cargo hold of her Lockheed Electra was beyond me.
Yes, I realize all of this has been very vague, but there was just so much in this film that really disappointed me that I can't go into too much detail on it.
Unless you child or little sister is begging you to take them to see Battle of the Smithsonian, do yourself a favor and avoid it.
I give it a 2 / 5
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The very first post
What's up. Welcome to my new home on the Internet to review the latest in video games, film and television. Now you might be asking why the hell would you care about what I have to say and the truth is I have no good reason... This is just another in a long line of blogs on the web dedicated to one person's opinion in the latest in "pop culture" (I hate that term). But look, you're already here, why not look around a bit and see if there's anything you like or dislike that you can make fun for me for.
Now before we go any further, I would like to state that I am not a "video game rager." I'm not good at going off at inanimate objects, I'm good at going off at people every once in a while, but not at video games; I leave that to the "god of raging," Mr. James Rolfe (AKA the Angry Video Game Nerd). Now don't get me wrong, sometimes I will get heated on a subject, but I won't dedicate any reviews to how sucky something is unless it is a genuine piece of shit.
Right now I am still editing a bunch of BS code for this Blogger page, but stick with me as I hope to have it all ironed out soon.
So just sit back, relax, and let the reviews begin.
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